Muscle relaxant injections

What Are Muscle Relaxant Injections?

Muscle relaxant injectables are also commonly known as anti-wrinkle injectables. Many people refer to it as Botox but there are many different brands available. It works by inhibiting the activation of the muscles where the treatment is administered, with the effects usually lasting 3-6 months. If a person has pain in the muscles related to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), injecting muscle relaxant into the affected areas will usually alleviate pain and assist in managing the condition. As the muscle relaxant takes effect, teeth grinding, teeth clenching and headaches should decrease. Muscle relaxant injections in the Masseter muscles also typically results in a slimmer facial appearance.

What can muscle relaxant Injections help with?

It may improve conditions such as:

  • TMD; pain in the temporalis and masseter muscles and tension headaches
  • teeth grinding and clenching
  • gummy smile
  • chin dimpling (hyperactive mentalis)
  • chronic cracked corner of lips (angular cheilitis).

What is TMJ ?

TMJ is an acronym for the Temporomandibular Joint. People suffering from pain related to the TMJ and nearby muscles refer to the condition as TMJ dysfunction, also know as TMD or TMJ. The pain can be short or long term and related to the joint itself, the muscles related to the joint or both the joint and the muscles. TMD is common among people who clench or grind their teeth, often subconsciously or in their sleep (nocturnal bruxism). Their partners may report hearing them grinding their teeth at night or their dentist may have detected cracked teeth or teeth wear consistent with teeth grinding. The main muscles that causes pain in patients with TMD are the Masseter and Temporalis (pictured left). Patients can often locate their pain to those muscles or complain of tension headaches. TMD is often diagnosed by a dentist who may recommend treatment including physiotherapy, night guard and/or muscle relaxant injections.

What is gummy smile?

gummy smile treatment botox

A gummy smile is where a person displays excessive gum above the teeth when smiling (pictured left). Patients may not like the about the appearance of a gummy smile and it is usually accompanied by lip incompetence which may result in gum and teeth issues. Muscle relaxant injections works by inhibiting excessive lifting of the upper lip. 



Can a Dentist Give muscle relaxant injections?

TMD is often first diagnosed by a dentist. Dentists are extensively trained in facial anatomy and are equipped with the skillset to not just look at a person’s muscles in isolation, but also their teeth and provide invaluable assessment of the whole picture. In addition, giving local anaesthetic injections is a basic skill that encompasses a dentist’s daily work, making dentists ideal to administer muscle relaxant injectables. 


*Please note that muscle relaxant injections are not done under general anaesthesia

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muscle relaxant injections to treat
TMD or Gummy Smile