Sleep dentistry

Yes, dental appointments can be comfortable

Patient put to sleep anaesthesia

Say Goodbye to Dental Fear

Have you ever missed dental appointments, not gotten important dental work done, or endured toothaches because you’re nervous about sitting in the dentist’s chair?

Don’t worry because many people neglect going to the dentist to get their teeth taken care of due to fear and anxiety.

But did you know that You can sleep comfortably while your treatment is completed?

Hello, I am Dr Jin, general anaesthetic Dentist in Brisbane, and my patients undergo dental treatment under general anaesthesia.

Your comfort is my priority!

What is general anaesthesia?

• General anaesthesia (GA) is a procedure where intravenous drugs and inhaled gases are administered by an anaesthetist to put patients in a sleep-like state so that medical treatment can be carried out.

• Under general anaesthesia, patients do not feel pain or move and are not aware of the procedure being carried out because patients are unconscious.

• If you’re curious about the procedure, I provide a free online consultation where you can ask me anything about it. It’s a great opportunity to get all the information you need!

About Dr Jin Gan

General Anaesthetic Dentist in Brisbane

I obtained my Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Melbourne in 2006. Following my graduation, I served remote communities under Queensland Health for a year, which provided me with invaluable experience and a solid foundation for my career. Subsequently, I transitioned into private practice, where I’ve been committed to delivering top-notch dental care.

In my ongoing pursuit to enrich my expertise, I am currently pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Implants to offer cutting-edge treatments and care.

My journey in dentistry has afforded me a unique perspective. Not only have I witnessed firsthand the profound impact of dental phobia on patients, but I’ve also been a patient myself, undergoing dental treatment under general anesthesia. This personal experience has deepened my understanding of why some individuals opt for this treatment approach.

For more than 15 years, I have collaborated closely with multidisciplinary medical and dental teams within hospital settings. This extensive experience has honed my expertise in the comprehensive management and care of patients undergoing dental procedures under general anesthesia.

I hold accreditation at multiple private hospitals, and carrying out treatment in a hospital ensures that my patients receive dental treatment under the safest conditions, particularly in the unpredictable event of a medical emergency. This approach not only prioritises patient safety but also aligns with the financial interests of those with hospital cover, as they may incur minimal or no out-of-pocket expenses.

I look forward to working with you to feel better and be more confident about your smile without the burden of dental anxiety.

Arise Dental Dr Jin Gan general anaesthetic

I provide various Dental Services

Dental fillings, treatment of gum disease, removal of wisdom teeth and other services all while you are put to sleep.

Dental Fillings

Decayed, broken or chipped teeth can be restored with white fillings.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a titanium screw fixed to your jaw.

Teeth removal

Wisdom teeth or loose, infected teeth causing pain can be removed.

Removal Of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth often need to be surgically removed and that can be done under general anaesthesia.

Teeth Replacement

A common teeth replacement method is a denture which may replace some or all of your teeth.

Dental Clean

A dental clean is carried out using special ultrasonic instruments to remove tartar and treat gum disease.

Client Feedback

"Undoubtedly the best dental-related experience I have ever had. From the first day I visited Dr Jin I’ve felt as though I’ve been cared for and treated like family. Dr Jin is knowledgeable, friendly and personable. Certainly not the usual daunting experience."
Arise Dental
Trevor B.

frequently asked questions

General Anaesthesia is beneficial for anyone who:

  • Suffers from dental anxiety or fear of the dentist and needles
  • Has had a traumatic dental experience in the past
  • Has special needs or conditions that may make it hard to cooperate 
  • Has trouble staying open or keeping still in a dental chair
  • Needs extensive dental work  including removal of wisdom teeth and multiple teeth extractions.
  • Has extremely sensitive teeth
  • Has trouble getting numb by other methods
  • Has a sensitive or strong gag reflex

A wide range of dental treatment such as fillings, clean, extractions, implants can be done. 

General anaesthesia ensures the patient is completely unconscious and unaware during the dental procedure. This is particularly advantageous for patients with severe dental anxiety or needle phobia. For patients who may be highly sensitive to dental procedures or have a strong gag reflex, general anaesthesia allows dental treatment to be completed safely without the emotional trauma associated with dental visits. Patients who may have tried other forms of sedation such as oral, IV or happy gas and found them not to work will usually need general anaesthesia. Patients may also have a complex medical history or a small airway at risk of compromise and can be safely treated under general anaesthesia in a hospital setting.

There are many ways to sedate patients including with the use of oral or intravenous medication or happy gas. With these methods, patients are still conscious and able to feel pain. General Anaesthesia is different as the patient is completely knocked out /unconscious. 

Patients should not experience pain during while under general anaesthesia. However, if you are having certain procedures such as teeth removal, you will still be numbed up while you are under so that you do not feel pain when you wake up.

You will be closely monitored by a specialist anaesthetist and a group of trained nurses to ensure your safety and well-being throughout the entire process.

General anaesthesia can leave you feeling groggy, disoriented, and physically impaired for a period after the procedure, which can affect your ability to drive safely. You are not allowed to drive for 24 hours after the procedure. The hospital will contact your nominated person to pick you up upon your discharge.

After waking up from general anaesthesia, you may experience grogginess, drowsiness, and disorientation. These effects can last for several hours. The complete clearance of anaesthesia effects varies but generally occurs within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. During this time, the residual effects, such as drowsiness or grogginess, should subside, and you should start feeling more like your normal self. Do not make any important decisions or sign legal documents while you are still impacted by the effects.

There will be three fees: dental, anaesthetist and hospital. If you have a health fund with Hopsital and Extras cover, you will be able to claim a rebate. As every patient has a different treatment plan, fees can range widely and you will need to have a consultation with your dentist to get a fee estimate for your individual needs.

Yes, you can be put to sleep for a wide range of dental treatment including fillings. Only a specialist anaesthetist can administer general anaesthesia. The dentist will be focussed on completing your dental procedures. 

Some people may need all or most of their teeth removed due to many reasons including genetic or health conditions, gum disease, advanced decay and inability to carry out oral hygiene. Dentures or plates can be made in advance so that the patient can have their teeth removed while asleep and dentures inserted immediately so that the patient can wake up with dentures in their mouth. 

What Is The Process?

Step 1
Initial Consultation
We discuss your concerns and how I may be able to help via a free initial online consultation. *(Please note that subsequent in-person consultations may be required and fees will be advised accordingly.)
Step 1
Step 2
Cost Estimates
Treatment information, cost estimates and consent forms are emailed to you.
Step 2
Step 3
Consent and Payment
You complete consent forms and make payment.
Step 3
Step 4
Surgery Confirmation
A date for the dental treatment is organised and confirmed with you.
Step 4
Step 5
Treatment is completed at a hospital.
Step 5
A review appointment is organised as required.

With sedation, you can easily achieve a state of relaxation and wake up without any memory of the procedure.

We do this procedure in Brisbane hospitals.